July 2023 Rep Rap
Gearing Up For Second Half Of 2023
We have officially hit the second half of 2023. The first half of the year was a whirlwind with SHOT Show, NRA, BLADE and TrggrCon. There were so many product launches and promotions to keep us busy. I am excited to see all of the new products launching in Q3 and Q4 I’ve been hearing about. We can sign NDA’s and we have a stellar reputation in the industry for embargoing information until launch date. Reach out to partner with us on your go-to-market strategy. Prime positioning in print and digital inventory around the holidays is running low.
We are closing up our Old West Special Edition this month. It will feature guns from the Old West along with reproduced classics. If you manufacture firearms, ammo, holsters or any other vestments a cowboy might don, then promote your products in the Old West Special Edition. The deadline to reserve space is 7/14 and it is scheduled to be on newsstands on 9/26.
The GUNS November issue will focus on hunting. We start the first part of a three-part series on gunsmithing and DIY profits in Shooting Industry beginning with the September issue. We’ll be exploring ways dealers and can take advantage of trends in gunsmithing and DIY. Reach out to me for more information delano.amaguin@fmghq.com.
Choose Your Words Wisely
Happy Fourth of July folks! This month in Florida can often feel as if you live right on top of the sun at lunchtime and right under a waterfall in the afternoon. Although it only lasts for about 15 minutes, you’d better hope you aren’t driving when it hits because you can’t see a thing. It’s one of the perks of living in the tropics, I guess.
Often, I have clients who are looking for advice on what will be the most effective ad for their print or digital campaign. The first thing I usually suggest is to choose your words wisely and your image carefully. Less can be more. I recently came across a really interesting article on WSIStarWebSolutions.com, “7 Powerful Words in Advertising.” It cites a study by the English department at Yale University on compelling words that can have a profound effect on selling and I thought the list was worth sharing:

sosiukin / Adobe Stock
1. You. “You” remains the most powerful word in advertising. It’s simple but effective. The reason why “you” is convincing is because it’s personal. Consumers feel that the ad is speaking directly to them and the problems they want to solve. To make your ads more effective, go through and soften the copy with “you” and “your.”
2. Guarantee. “Guarantee” is an influential word because it removes doubt. When a customer has hesitations about something, they won’t convert. Placing a guarantee into the ad gives them reassurance to move forward. The only word of caution is to support your guarantee, otherwise your credibility will be ruined.
3. Safe or Safety. Consumers expect the products and services they buy to be safe. From children’s toys to beauty products, people want their products to meet the highest safety standards. There are some products, however, that you don’t want to label as “safe,” otherwise it will scare people off. For example, you wouldn’t say your brand of ice cream is “safe” to eat. Why wouldn’t it be?
4. Best. “Best” is a word that has amazing power, but it has to be used correctly. If you throw “best” into your native advertising without having research or awards to back it up, people will ignore you. Consider some of the things your products and services may really be best at (avoid being subjective). Did you win a best-in-class award? Were you listed among the best leaders in your industry?
5. Proven. Consumers don’t necessarily mind trying out new products, but they still have the “buyer beware” mindset. How do they know they aren’t wasting money? What happens if the product doesn’t live up to its expectations? To help you get over this hump, prove yourself. What types of studies or research do you have? Did you receive customer feedback from product testing? Even product demonstrations are effective at showing results.
6. Health or Healthy. If the word “safe” doesn’t fit your products, it’s possible “health” or “healthy” will. People like to see these words in advertisements because it tells them the product or service will improve their financial, physical or emotional health. Just be sure not to use the word on products that aren’t really healthy. Some things are unhealthy (i.e., artificial sweeteners, saturated fats) no matter how you spin them.
7. Save. Consumers love to save money. These savings can be earned immediately or earned over time. If your product or service can honestly save someone money, let it be known. Point out how much savings people can expect as well as other great “saves” such as time, headache and frustration.
To make your ads most effective and persuasive, be sure you are adding the right power words into your copy! You can read the article in its entirety here: wsistarwebsolutions.com/7-powerful-words-in-advertising/.
We are currently working on our Nov/Dec sights and optics issue of American Handgunner, the November “hunting” issue of GUNS Magazine, the GUNS Old West Special Edition and Part 1 of Shooting Industry’s gunsmithing series in the September issue. Reach out soon to secure a spot at amy.tanguay@fmghq.com and enjoy the summer sunshine. And if you too live in Florida, enjoy the afternoon showers!
Breaking The Shackles Of Illinois Gun Control
A few months ago, I officially changed residency from Illinois to Florida. Not long before I made the switch official, Governor DeSantis signed permit-less carry into law for Florida residents effective July 1. While I have an Illinois concealed carry permit, Florida does not allow reciprocity with Illinois, so carrying in Florida was not an option until now.
Having renewed my CCW permit within the last year, I always paid particular attention to the instructor when they spoke about protocol when being pulled over while carrying. In that instance, an Illinois law enforcement official would know I have a concealed carry permit from running my plates. Now in Florida, with every legally allowed gun owner able to carry, I’m curious if the same protocol I was taught in my Illinois class will apply: Hands should be at 10 and 2, the back windows rolled down, interior lights on (if it’s dark out) and hands on the wheel at all times while politely notifying the officer you are carrying and looking for their direction on how they’d like you to proceed.

Framestock / Adobe Stock
I’m assuming Florida officers are now trained to make the assumption everyone at every traffic stop could be “legally” carrying. Is it polite to notify the officer you are carrying or is it required like other states? I will certainly ask when I get the opportunity, but no matter the answer, I think I’ll continue to be polite and keep hands at 10 and 2, back windows down and try to make the officer feel as comfortable as possible and await their instruction. Permit-less carry aside, I will now also be able to know what it’s like to own a suppressor. There are many new things … um, freedoms, here in Florida to explore and enjoy.
With summer upon us, and having moved to an area completely new to me, I plan on spending some time researching areas to hunt. I did a quick few searches that turned up several places to hunt closer than I had in Illinois — so it looks like my hunting dogs won’t be beach bums in the winter after our annual fall treks to the Dakotas. We’ll be kept busy with quail it appears, and while I’ll have to leave the pups at home I’m eager to find an outfitter with an airboat to get out in the Everglades to try my hand at snipe hunting.
I always thought it was a trick question on a DNR questionnaire: “Did you hunt for snipe this season?” or was a phantom species everyone joked about. Apparently, you can have the adventure of a lifetime with an airboat, some snake boots, a 28-GA and several boxes of shells.
I like the “Floridian” lifestyle already. If you’d like to reach gun and accessory buyers or if you just need some Florida living tips send me a note to tom.vorel@fmghq.com.
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