Join Resident Guncranks For Fun, Interesting And Relaxed Discussion On Guns And More
Machine Guns:...
The Gun Cranks share their varying experiences from the full-auto machine gun world. They are legal — sort of … assuming you’re okay with spending...
Introducing The...
We've all heard them uttered. Those famous last words right before someone does something dumb or dangerous, or in most cases, both ... "Hold my beer!" This...
VR Simulations:...
Virtual reality isn’t just for gamers anymore. Loaded with real-life scenarios, dynamic targets, and interactive drills, the technology is being adopted...
Gifting Guns:...
Guys can be pretty persnickety about gifts. Whether it's for Father's Day, a birthday or whatever other gift-giving occasion, skip the socks and ties and...
The guys get wild and talk about Bigfoot, Sasquatch, Skunk Apes and all the other cryptozoological hominids allegedly frolicking in the wilderness.
Got A Pistol Brace?
Unscripted and unedited, the Gun Cranks sound off on the ATF's new pistol brace regulations — which, at the stroke of midnight on June 1, turned who knows...
Black Powder For...
Steam locomotives were a cool thing, and they're still around to some extent as tourist attractions, but there are better ways to move trains. GUNS Magazine...
Guns vs. Italians
Italian gunmakers of the Gardone region export hundreds of thousands of firearms to the US. Having built guns for half a millennium, they’re quite good at...
Don't Be A Range...
Back by popular demand, Suzi Huntington rejoins the Gun Cranks for a spirited discussion on how to not be a range Karen.
The Gun Cranks discuss the merits of speed reholstering. Is it a tactical advantage for … something? Or are you just going to shoot your, well, you know...
The Gun Industry...
The Gun Cranks discuss the pros and cons of the shooting industry going woke. Should the gun cranks start identifying as women, or maybe turnips? Warning:...
Ported or...
Proponents argue a ported barrel is effective at reducing recoil and muzzle rise, but is porting fashion over function? Brent Wheat and Erick Gelhaus join...
Why Women Are...
From the mouths of men themselves, The Gun Cranks rant about why so many of them get it wrong when recommending guns for their female loved ones, training...
Worst Firearms...
From giant whirling fan blades of death to instructor bait-and-switch, the Gun Cranks share their worst firearms training experiences ever. And, for...
Best Shot Ever!
In this episode, the Gun Cranks share the best shots each of them has ever made. While none were record-breaking, they were impressive nonetheless.
Gun Cleaning ......
Too much of a good thing is still too much. The same can be true when it comes to gun cleaning. In this episode of the Gun Cranks, things get dirty as Brent...
Is The .44...
The .44 Magnum was famously called "the most powerful handgun [cartridge] in the world" by Clint Eastwood in Dirty Harry. But is too much of a good thing...
Open Carry Is...
Quite possibly, for the very first time, all three Gun Cranks agree on something — open carry is stupid! In this episode, the Gun Cranks share various...
Is The 5.7 Just...
The Gun Cranks are stirring up some controversy yet again! This time, debating whether 5.7x28mm is just a fad or here to stay. Which Gun Crank do you agree...
Why You Should...
Some expensive gun gear is (gasp!) ... disposable! The Gun Cranks explain why it’s perfectly normal and cost-effective to throw away those expensive...
How to Shoot...
The Gun Cranks discuss the feasibility of spy balloon defense using their handguns, shotguns and rifles. Will the manliest of all rifles, the .50 caliber,...
Expensive Guns...
We've all read stories about guns that are well outside of our budget, but how many of them are worth the cost? Brent Wheat, Tom McHale, and Erick Gelhaus...
Nobody's perfect! This is especially true of the Gun Cranks. Brent Wheat, Tom McHale, Roy Huntington, and Erick Gelhaus confess to all of the guns and gear...
SHOT Show 2023...
The Gun Cranks, along with some special guests, broadcasted live throughout the week from SHOT Show 2023. Tune in for what you may have missed!
Shooting Trends...
The shooting community is like any other and is not immune to annoying trends. Join the herd as Brent Wheat, Roy Huntington, Tom McHale and Erick Gelhaus...
Triggered! We...
TikTok, Facebook, the YouTubes, and the Twitter Files. Social media has become a big part of this generation, but is it with nefarious intent? Listen along...
Cranky New Years...
Whether you're adding new habits or removing old ones, New Year's resolutions are part of our lives. Tune in to hear what Brent Wheat, Tom McHale, and Erick...
Then And Now:...
What was your first concealed carry gun? Tom McHale, Ashley McGee, and Nic Lenze discuss where they started, what they carry now, and how clueless husbands...
The Gun Cranks'...
On this episode of Gun Cranks, Tom McHale, Ashley McGee, and Nic Lenze (AKA Young Crew) discuss their holiday wishlists.
Junk In The...
Everyday carry can extend to your daily driver, and for the Cranks, it certainly does. Listen as Brent Wheat, Tom McHale, and Ashley McGee discuss their...
It Happened At...
With so many SHOT Show conventions in the books, the Cranks had to share some of their favorite moments over the years. If you have young children, put them...
Sleigh Defense:...
Rosie cheeks, a gelatinous belly, and a Tec-9? Today, Brent Wheat, Tom McHale, and Roy Huntington discuss the best carry options for jolly Saint Nick and...
The Guns We Hate
Tag along with Brent Wheat, Tom McHale, and Erick Gelhaus as they discuss their most hated guns, effectively ending their careers ... maybe.
Will Polymer...
Our three classic Cranks look ahead this week. Which modern firearms do Brent Wheat, Tom McHale and Roy Huntington think will be considered classics in the...
Our Biggest...
Listen in as Brent Wheat, Roy Huntington, and Ashley McGee share their biggest hunting mishaps, plus a fun tidbit about our current president.
Snake Stories...
While some snakes are harmless, find out how the Cranks manage snakes. Slither along with Brent Wheat, Tom McHale, and Roy Huntington.
Alternate Police...
With many years of experience as cops, Brent Wheat, Roy Huntington, and Erick Gelhaus discuss alternate methods that they've seen (or heard about) work on...
The Golden...
Watch as Brent Wheat, Tom McHale, and Roy Huntington try to decide which firearm they would buy with a $10,000 gift card. Do you agree?
The Most...
Brent Wheat, Tom McHale, and Roy Huntington are at it again. The Gun Cranks discuss another controversial topic. What is the most important modification for...
How NOT To Be A...
The Gun Cranks, with returning Crank Roy Huntington, share war stories from the trenches of bad gun writers and networking events. Two words: Beaver Mouth.
Low Ready:...
This week, the Gun Cranks talk about the highs and lows of ready positions, specifically the low-ready position. Join Brent Wheat, Tom McHale, Erick...
Appendix Carry:...
We've heard it time and again; if you carry in the appendix position, you'll lose some vital parts. Do the Gun Cranks agree? Find out in this special...
New Punishments...
Recent news stories about poachers have the Cranks fired up. On today's show are Brent Wheat, Erick Gelhaus, and first-time Crank Ashley McGee.
Are Revolvers...
The shooting community welcomes all of the over eight million first-time gun owners that we gained over the last two years. How should you welcome a new...
Are Single-Stack...
With the popularity of micro-compact wonder nines, is there still a purpose for single-stack handguns? The Cranks are here to discuss just that with guest...
Guncrank Live Top 5
The most viewed episodes of Guncrank Live. Join our resident guncranks for fun, interesting and relaxed discussions on guns and more.
Thinking Green:...
As a novice reloader, GUNS Magazine editor Brent T. Wheat asks if making your own ammunition is still worth it. The Guncranks weigh in on whether...
Revenge of the...
With the recent resurgence of metal-framed handguns, the Gun Cranks discuss whether or not polymer guns are going the way of the Dodo. Watch to find out...
Shooting In...
The Gun Cranks explain why shotguns are still cool, banter about Federal Ammunition's new 30 Super Carry and Roy tells of his exploits of shooting in...
Gun Cranks: It's...
The Gun Cranks ring in the New Year by flying with their guns, debating whether it's a smart idea to use reloads for personal defense and finding those...
How to Survive a...
The Gun Cranks explain how to live through a Smash & Grab — keeping you and your family safe. Plus, it's not even Christmas yet, but a Christmas Miracle...
Micro 9mm’s?...
Resident Gun Cranks — Brent Wheat, Tom McHale & Roy Huntington — discuss micro 9mm's, gun rights and reloading.
The Gun Cranks...
Resident Gun Cranks – Brent Wheat, Tom McHale and Roy Huntington debate the tragic shooting on the Rust set by Alec Baldwin and American Handgunner Editor...
Guncranks Live...
Resident Gun Cranks - Brent Wheat, Tom McHale and Roy Huntington show off their favorite products, share shooting tips to improve your shooting and have a...
Find Your Red...
The Gun Cranks reveal ways they've tested ammunition using their homemade inventions and explain what to do when you can't find the red dot.
Hiding Your Guns...
Resident Gun Cranks Brent Wheat, Tom McHale and Roy Huntington discuss ways to hide and secure guns in the house. Plus, targets that you just shouldn't shoot.
Our resident Cranks – Brent Wheat, Tom McHale & Roy Huntington welcome a special guest, FMG Publications Digital Editor Serena Juchnowski who tells of her...
The Joys of the...
The Gun Cranks discuss the why the single-action revolver is still relevant, what new things are happening at Colt and Cop Shop Stories of those old...
The Creation Of...
FMG's Gun Cranks create new sports for the Olympics, discuss some of the more obscure ancient sports and develop a format for the Gun Crank Olympics!
Pistol Braces...
What's the outlook for the controversial pistol brace, plus tips & tricks on how to survive the summer heat while shooting at the range.
Fan Mail!
Find out what FMG's fans really think!
Should You Carry...
Resident Gun Cranks — Brent Wheat, Tom McHale and Roy Huntington also discuss, "how old does ammo have to be before it's too old?"
A Revolver...
The Cranks wonder about a revolver comeback and Gunsite Training Director Dave Hartman makes a guest appearance on Gun Cranks offering advice on how NOT to...
The Cranks...
Resident Gun Cranks – Brent Wheat, Tom McHale & Roy Huntington share who and what is on their ban list.
Who Should...
Resident Gun Cranks introduce a new FMG team member, give a light show, try to figure out what to call this new trend of mini guns and name their top ten...
How To Fix The NRA!
The NRA is not broken. The Gun Cranks break it down on why we need the National Rifle Association and what you can do.
Guns, Cops &...
This week the Gun Cranks talk "sh*t you can't make up," "horse hate," "80% guns," "how NOT to get a ticket," and something very "special" ...
What's REALLY...
In-depth insight on what's causing the ammo shortage, chatting up chicken sniping and keeping your gun clean.
"I Support Guns"...
Resident Gun Cranks - Brent Wheat, Tom McHale & Roy Huntington review and dismantle the biggest lies Joe Biden has told throughout his campaign, starting...
They're Stifling...
Can't find your favorite YouTube video or gun book? "Tech Tyrants" have upped their game and are working hard to trample on your ability to see firearms...
New Guns vs. Old...
The resident Gun Cranks - Brent Wheat, Tom McHale & Roy Huntington discuss whether new guns are better than the old classics and whether you should or...
Scaled Down 9mm...
GUNS Magazine writer Will Dabbs spends the afternoon with the Tippmann Armory gatling gun that shoots 9mm from Glock magazines.
Attraction Of...
Gunsite Range Master and single-action revolver expert Lew Gosnell talks with Brent Wheat about Ruger's Model Blackhawk revolver and the appeal of the...
TriStar's TT-15 line of trap shotguns adds beauty, precision, and performance for incredible custom-value right out of the box.
Cop Stories Gun...
You've asked for it, so here we go: Roy Huntington and Brent T. Wheat tell some PG-rated cop stories from their long law enforcement careers.
Worst Defensive...
Everybody wants the best, but what are some of the worst choices for self-defense ammo?
Red Dot Sights...
Our resident Gun Cranks — Brent Wheat, Tom McHale, and Roy Huntington discuss the pros and cons of red dot sights and if they're right for you.
Gun Cranks Live...
Join our resident Gun Cranks — Brent Wheat, Tom McHale, and Roy Huntington — as they welcome a new "honorary Gun Crank" into the mix, Jim Shepherd,...