As we start 2024, FMG has many print and digital media options for you to place advertising messaging, either a listing ad within a send or a solo send...
Ready, Set, SHOT...
It’s hard to believe we are already entering a new year!
How To Make...
Sitting on the other side of the promotional desk, as the target of new stuff promotion, I thought it might be helpful to share some best practices I’ve seen.
The Rumors Of My...
Is print really dead? Let me offer a slightly different perspective.
Every Minute Of...
This report provides a range of stats on internet and app usage, including the collective hours we spend online and where we spend them. The “every minute...
Getting Down To...
Reach out so we can curate a custom program to help launch your newest products and advertise this year’s promotions.
After a hiatus, Thompson/Center Arms is back, ready to innovate. New Owner Gregg Ritz talks about his plans for the iconic company and how it will be...
Riding The 9mm Wave
There’s no debate: We’re firmly in the 9mm era.
Has Election...
Over the past four-plus years, the industry has been grappling with one consistent variable: uncertainty.
A Focus On...
A recently published study examined how firearms manufacturers’ print advertisements featuring women changed from 2001–2020 — and its subsequent...
Final Thoughts...
The dust has settled from SHOT Show 2024 — here’s a recap its impact on what it will take to be successful this year.
Shaping Business...
A challenge facing the firearms industry today (and, perhaps all businesses these days) is consistent unpredictability. Good data can help.