Hornady RAPiD Night
Guard Safe
I’ve never appreciated feeling vulnerable at night. Not that I don’t feel secure in my own house, but I always wanted to have a gun within reach. Key word: wanted. I didn’t have any way to secure it and didn’t want to drill into any of the furniture I have in my bedroom. The next best option was to set it next to my bed on a nightstand, but I felt it would be unsafe. I charge my devices overnight and to add a gun, even holstered, to the mix of lotion and charging cords I keep on the same stand might not be the best combination.
Enter the Hornady RAPiD Night Guard Safe. This sturdy safe masquerades as a simple alarm clock, but hides a secret, or several, depending on what you choose to store in it. The Night Guard features a spring-assist drawer measuring 2.2″ x 9.2″ x 6.9″. I can comfortably fit a compact pistol and several magazines but I could add some other valuables or another small pistol if I so choose. A tempered glass panel on the front of the drawer shows the clock and contains an RFID reader and access code keypad. The access code disappears so only the clock display is visible when not in use.
There are several ways to open the safe — by RFID tag, entry code or manual barrel keys. The unit comes with four RFID tags (one key fob, two adhesive decals and one watchband tag). You must program each tag but the process is easy. Open the drawer with the mechanical keys and press the button on the back panel of the safe until a number lights up. The Hornady Night Guard safe will store up to five RFID fobs. Lose your fob? You can buy new ones and reprogram them. You can also sync the RFID tags to work with other Hornady RAPiD products if you have them. Once programmed, hold the RFID tag in front of the clock and the drawer slides open
The keypad accepts a four- or six-digit user-entered code and is activated by touching the clock display. I especially like having multiple forms of entry. Be careful about obvious fingerprints on the touch screen as they may be a dead giveaway something is not as it seems. Some choose to attach RFID tags to the back of their phone or some other item that is always within reach for easy access.
At 18 lbs., the safe is heavy, but can definitely be picked up and carried off. (Hopefully no one is raiding your house and if they do, you’ve already popped open the drawer and retrieved your firearm. If you are concerned, the safe comes with a 1,500-lb. rated security cable and has pre-drilled mounting holes inside.
I just make it look as much like a normal clock as possible, making use of the two USB ports on the top back of the unit. The Night Guard has two sources of power, a 12V plug and four AAA batteries. When plugged into an outlet, the clock stays on at all times, though you can adjust the brightness of the time. When in battery-only mode, the clock will shut off and the unit will enter a sort of sleep mode. Touching the screen will display the time for a few seconds. This is by far one of my favorite products I have ever reviewed as its function extends into my daily life while putting me at ease.