Core Tenet Of Business
John and Allen have come to agree on one principle in this business: You won’t succeed by selling what you personally like, you’ll succeed by selling what your customers want.
In 2006, when he began planning for the gun shop, Strayer envisioned one-stop shopping for the serious gun professional: The best high-end firearms, the highest-quality holsters and other accessories. He hadn’t planned on selling economy-grade hardware.
Alas, north central Florida is not the most economically prosperous part of the Sunshine State. While a given day might find pricey Wilson Combat, Staccato (formerly STI) and Nighthawk guns in the showcase, the bread and butter of sales turned out to be more “popularly priced” guns and gear.
“We sell a lot of SCCY pistols,” Davis shared. “We’ve only had two ever come back, and SCCY did a wonderfully quick job of making them right for us and the customers. We also sell a lot of Taurus handguns. Our customers seem very satisfied with the G2 and G3 semi-autos, and with their Model 85-series small revolvers.”
Rugers sell extremely well at Pro Arms, and not just LCPs, LCRs and 10/22s. He added, “Our best-selling Rugers — in fact, some of our best-selling guns, period — are the compact 9mms, the LC9 and EC9. They’re small, very ‘shootable,’ highly reliable and the price is remarkably reasonable.”
Davis continued, “With long guns, our market is seasonal. Shotguns in bird season, rifles and some shotguns in deer season. Our best-selling shotguns are the Mossberg 500 and — particularly in tactical models, all year — the Remington 870. During hunting season our best-selling rifles are the Savage bolt actions and the Remington Model 700, which has a huge following traditionally in this part of the country. A big help in selling both brands is the package deal of rifle with scope.”