What The Market Is Asking
This isn’t to say we won’t see anything new, however. Products nearing completion or ones funded partially by government contracts will most likely continue.
Leupold took slide-mounted pistol optics to a new level with the DeltaPoint Micro, giving shooters the option to use a red dot on handguns that aren’t milled to mount a red dot. KelTec pushed out the new P50 — turning heads due to its unusual design — chambered in 5.7x28mm. (It’s another 5.7 entry to the ever-growing list that has gained popularity within the last year.)
I suspect as the year progresses the firearms industry will finally give us more of what many of us have been asking for in two key areas of the personal defense market: easy-to-use handguns and high-capacity, ultra-compact handguns.
In the past few years, Smith & Wesson’s M&P Shield 380/9mm EZ won over a vast number of people due to its ease of use when loading the magazine and racking the slide. It’s likely similar designs will launch from other manufacturers, hopefully with a larger magazine capacity.
Additionally, it’s just a matter of time before more companies develop a concealed carry gun similar to the SIG SAUER P365. Springfield Armory already matched this need with the Hellcat. Both handguns carry 12 or more rounds in such a compact, easy-to-conceal frame it makes previous carry guns seem obsolete by comparison.
Lastly, it’s no surprise optic-ready pistols will continue to take over the market and we’ll see more optic companies producing small pistol red dots. (This is all stating the obvious though.)