ICYMI: Industry News
From May 6–10, 2024
Firearm Industry Surpasses $17 Billion in Pittman-Robertson Excise Tax Contributions
NSSF is celebrating firearm and ammunition manufacturers topping $17 billion in excise tax contributions to the Wildlife Restoration Trust Fund since its inception in 1937. When adjusted for inflation, the total is more than $27.38 billion. The latest Firearms and Ammunition Excise Tax (FAET) Collection report released by the Department of the Treasury, covering the 4th Quarter Calendar Year 2023, indicates firearm and ammunition manufacturers contributed more than $222 million.
“The entire firearm and ammunition industry celebrates this milestone that demonstrates our commitment to wildlife conservation for all Americans,” said NSSF President and CEO Joe Bartozzi. “The firearm and ammunition industry knows the conservation of wildlife and the habitats in which they thrive are invaluable. They are critical to future generations taking part in hunting and the recreational shooting sports traditions and learning about their vital importance. This manufacturing industry, which produces firearms and ammunition for law-abiding citizens, also produces the funding upon which our wildlife depends and is vital for future generations to enjoy.”
The firearm and ammunition industry added $1 billion in conservation tax contributions in just one year. NSSF announced Firearm and Ammunition Excise Tax (FAET) contributions have totaled more than $1 billion annually for the past three years.
The Wildlife Restoration Trust Fund, commonly known as the Pittman-Robertson fund, is funded by excise taxes paid by firearm and ammunition manufacturers on their products, as well as archery equipment manufacturers. The tax is administered by the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) of the Department of the Treasury, which turns the funds over to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS).
USFWS deposits the Pittman-Robertson revenues into a special account called the Wildlife Restoration Trust Fund administered by the USFWS. These funds are made available to states and territories the year following their collection based on a statutory formula.
The excise tax dollars collected are specifically designated to be used by state wildlife agencies for conservation and related purposes.
For more info: nssf.org
Blue Payment Agency Inc. Adds Knife And Blade Payment Processing
Blue Payment Agency Inc. announced the addition of knife and blade payment processing to its tactical-focused e-commerce payment gateway website.
Alex Roy, president of Blue Payment Agency Inc., stated, “Feedback from clients over the past year has been clear. There is a significant need for knife-friendly payment processing — especially AuthorizeNet accounts that are not only underwritten for knives and blades but also easily integrated with WooCommerce, Shopify and BigCommerce.”
Blue Payment Agency utilizes high-risk merchant accounts specifically approved for regulated categories and blends them with an easily integrated AuthorizeNet payment gateway. This allows for knife, blade, sword and cutlery clients to enjoy straightforward, low-stress online payment acceptance.
According to Blue Payment Agency, their existing focus on the firearms industry made the addition of knife-friendly payment gateways an easy choice. Roy explained, “Payment gateways like Stripe, Square, and PayPal are all terrific, accessible, affordable, and reliable for most online businesses – but each payment gateway has its own terms and allowed-use policies. Weapons — like knives — are not always permitted. This leads to declines, account shutdowns and even withheld deposits. We offer accounts specifically for the knife and blade industry, dramatically reducing the risk of a nasty surprise once your website’s sales start flowing in.”
Roy detailed the service his team provides: “Although our clients can apply, upload documents and integrate their payment processing online themselves, we also offer one-on-one application, setup and integration help to all clients at no additional charge. Our team will be here by phone and email throughout the application and setup process. We will even hop on a screen-share and assist clients one-on-one with the integration process. This way, knife-focused website owners can be confident that their merchant account, payment gateway and shopping cart are thoroughly tested before launching their website or adding a new regulated product to their old site. This dramatically reduces the chances of an error and can eliminate our client’s stress during setup.”
These industry-focused solutions are intended to allow knife and blade website owners to safely, reliably and affordably process credit card payments online with less stress and fewer surprises.
For more info: bluepaymentagency.com/payment-gateways-knives/
CMP Awards Over $300,000 In Scholarships
The Civilian Marksmanship Program’s (CMP) Scholarship Committee presented 142 scholarships to outstanding junior marksmen and women for the 2024–2025 school year.
Along with a generous $30,000 contribution from the Garand Collectors Association (GCA), the CMP Scholarship Program awarded $308,000 in new and recurring scholarships to individuals from across the country who best represent the ideals of the CMP: 76 one-time $1,000 scholarships, 17 one-time $3,000 scholarships and 24 one-time $5,000 scholarships.
Students receiving the $5,000 one-time scholarships are Jordyn Allen (Dothan, AL), Susan Carter (Baxley, GA), Rory Claussen (Albuquerque, NM), Grace Corbett (Springfield, VA), Colter Cornwell (Ronan, MT), Gracie Dinh (Huntsville, AR), Riley Dunn (Washington, PA), Ena Gibson (Greeley, CO), Nicolette Hoffman (Armour, SD), Megan Jaros (Roseville, MN), Katie McCall (Ozark, MO), Mallory Johnson (Cookeville, TN), Evan Langerak (Bemidji, MN), David LePage (Champlain, NY), Elizabeth Probst (Brady, TX), Chloe Shannon (Broken Arrow, OK), Donald Simpson (Sidney, OH), Hailey Singleton (Bellevue, OH), Emma Sjodin (Sugar Land, TX), Judson Terry (Rochelle, GA), Logan Tucker (Naylor, AR), Carlee Valenta (Harrison City, PA), Micah Vawter (Walla Walla, WA) and Emme Walrath (Kenosha, WI).
The CMP also granted four new repeat $5,000 scholarships, totaling $20,000 over four years for each recipient. Each of the four recurring $20,000 scholarships, first introduced in 2023, is named in honor of past CMP board members Harry Sieben, Carolyn Hines, Jon Bengston and former chair Judith Legerski.
Earning this year’s four-year recurring scholarships are:
Harry Sieben Scholarship: Claudia Muzik (Green Springs, OH)
Carolyn Hines Scholarship: Danjela Jordan de Jesus (Woodbine, GA)
Jon Bengston Scholarship: Natalie Bean (Sour Lake, TX)
Judith Legerski Scholarship: Meredith Stuart (Comfort, TX)
An additional $5,000 from the Talladega Superspeedway in Alabama was donated toward CMP’s Community Scholarship, reserved for those students in the districts surrounding CMP’s facilities in Anniston/Talladega, Ala., and Port Clinton (Camp Perry), Ohio.
This year’s $5,000 donation from the Superspeedway was awarded to Peyton Whitelaw (Oxford, AL). A total of 16 other $1,000 Community Scholarships were awarded, marking $21,000 overall for CMP’s support of neighboring areas.
For more info: thecmp.org
OSCF Releases “Connecting With Conservation” Highlights
The Outdoor Stewards of Conservation Foundation (OSCF) released a new highlights episode of its series “Connecting with Conservation.” The series was developed to thank industry manufacturers and state wildlife agencies as well as the 60+ million active hunters, anglers, trappers and shooters (HATS) and to acknowledge the significant contributions they make to support wildlife conservation efforts across the country through the Pittman-Robertson Act and the Dingell-Johnson Act.
“We’re proud to highlight this series and show the dedication of industry manufacturers to maintain and protect the outdoors and its wildlife,” said OSCF Executive Director Jim Curcuruto. “Conservation efforts like teaching hunter education, building shooting ranges and managing habitat and wildlife populations are possible because of the $3.6 billion that America’s HATS contribute each year through their purchase of excised taxed outdoor products and hunting and fishing licenses. We thank this community for the incredible impact it has on American conservation efforts.”
“Connecting with Conservation” is developed in collaboration with leading outdoor brands and manufacturers including American Sportfishing Association, Bear Archery, Creedmoor Sports, Hardy with Pure Fishing, Mossberg, Rapala, Rather Outdoors, Remington Ammunition, Savage Arms, SEVIIN, Shimano, Silencer Central, St. Croix Rods, YUM with PRADCO Outdoor Brands and Z-MAN.
The series was also created in partnership with state fish and wildlife agencies including the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Arkansas Game & Fish Commission, Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife (Mass Wildlife), Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission, Georgia Department of Natural Resources, South Carolina Department of Natural Resources and South Dakota Game, Fish & Parks.
The “Connecting with Conservation” video series is produced with the support of The Murray Road Agency. Funding for this project is provided by the Multistate Conservation Grant Program (F23AP003940), a program supported with funds from the Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program and jointly managed by the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
For more info: outdoorstewards.org