4 Common Questions, 4 Effective Answers
Those of us who get interviewed by the media on these topics know — often — our comments are edited. I’ve found short, pithy comments are more likely to see the light of day in print and broadcast alike. “Sound bites” are powerful. They should be fairly short, as their name implies. They should embody common sense. Above all, they should make people think.
Let’s look at some examples.
1. “After all, isn’t the Second Amendment about the National Guard?”
Answer: “The Supreme Court of the United States is the arbiter of the Bill of Rights, and 2008’s Heller v. District of Columbia decision clearly ruled the right to keep and bear arms is in fact an individual right. Remember when the Bill of Rights was written, the Revolutionary War was fresh in the minds of those who crafted it. At the time of the Revolution, a National Guard would have been Tories loyal to King George and duty bound to crush the revolution and kill American colonists. Does anyone seriously think that is what the Framers wanted to empower?”
2. “We register automobiles, why shouldn’t we register guns?”
Sound bite answer: “Because no politician has indicated a desire to confiscate our cars. Historically, gun registration has led to confiscation — often without compensation. Joe Biden and Beto O’Rourke promised they were ‘coming for our AR-15s,’ etc. The AR-15 is the most popular rifle in America today.”
3. “People say they’re buying guns and ammo for self-defense because they’re afraid. Doesn’t this make you a fear merchant?”
Answer: “We don’t sell fear. We sell the antidote to fear: The tools to protect oneself and one’s family. The media has told the public police won’t be able to protect them because (a) politicians are clamoring to defund law enforcement; (b) cops will catch COVID-19 and be out sick for at least 14 days, along with every other officer they’ve been in contact with; and (c) because police will be busy handling riots and looting and protests. People are buying guns to protect their families for the same reason they’d be buying more fire extinguishers if the media had warned them firefighters won’t be able to protect them because they’re going to be defunded, etc. Does this make you in the media ‘merchants of fear?’”
4. “Why do you oppose waiting periods for gun purchases?”
Sound bite answer: “Ask a woman who has become a stalking victim overnight how long she should be helpless in a world where police departments can’t station a cop at every door.”