Are there any e-commerce resources you would recommend to FFL dealers?
Hall: There are several and the group is growing, which is great. The key points in any program are on the user side: accuracy and ease of use, like we noted earlier. On the store side, those remain the same, but add in the timeliness of the updates to keep it fresh.
Lance Skok: I don’t have any specific resources, but Google or your favorite search engine is a good place to start research into e-commerce specific to FFLs. While you don’t have to stick with e-commerce resources specific to FFLs, for most FFLs it will make things much easier if you do. Then I would make an effort to talk with other FFLs and see if they are willing to share their experiences with you.
McCunn: We recommend getting a user-friendly website. Gearfire has been our host for three-plus years and we are very happy with it. Also, find one employee dedicated to selling online, using whatever auction site you choose.