Myth #1: Women Don’t Like (Or Can’t Shoot) Long Guns
To assume any one of the points below is a big mistake and doing so means missing out on revenue:
• Long guns are too big for women.
• Women are afraid of long guns.
• Women are too weak to shoot long guns.
• Long guns are too complex for women.
• Women can’t handle the recoil or power of long guns.
The majority of women who walk through your door for the first time are likely looking for a concealed carry handgun. They’ve decided to get it for self-protection, did their research and determined what they want. Many, in fact, may say, “Oh no, I’m not interested in a long gun.” Some may even say, “I couldn’t handle a gun like that.” However — and this is something I experience every day — the initial handgun sale is exactly what they’re ready for, for now.
Once they begin shooting, training and gaining confidence with their handgun, they get hooked. And not just to handguns (of which they will buy multiples), but their new confidence inspires them to try different disciplines and different firearms. This includes rifles and shotguns.
The key here is the quality of their shooting experiences and training. It must move them forward on their continuum of learning and improving. If this happens, they will try and love long guns. This new love is not only good for them, but good for you too. The newfound confidence women discover as they master the handgun is addictive and will lead them toward conquering any lingering fear of long guns they may have. Therefore, it behooves the retailer to encourage new/female/handgun customers to find quality instruction and shooting experiences.
If you offer training at your facility, try to get her registered in one of the female-friendly courses you offer. If you don’t, find the best training opportunities for women in your area and refer her to them. Search out a local female shooting chapter and connect her to it.
Yes, women have less upper body strength and smaller, weaker hands than men. This reality does not make them incapable of handling, shooting and owning long guns. It makes it imperative, however, you know and carry the models that best fit women and ones they can successfully shoot with confidence.
Remember, if they’re new to guns this is uncharted and intimidating territory to them. Earlier this year, we addressed how to best receive the new female customer with, “6 Considerations For Earning A Woman’s Business” (June 2019), and advised patience is necessary. Women are relational and require your patience. Showing you understand her journey, coupled with your investment of time and care is not only worth it to your bottom line but is hugely satisfying as well.