SHOT Show 2023 Rewind


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American Handgunner editor Tom McHale and GUNS Magazine editor Brent T. Wheat share their early finds from SHOT Show 2023.

Day 1 Wrap-Up

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The Gun Cranks take on SHOT Show 2023. Here’s their day one report.

Meet the Writers


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Contributors Will Dabbs, MD and Frank Jardim stopped by the booth to share their SHOT Show finds. Who knows how this will end up?!

Day 2 Wrap-Up


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The Gun Cranks take on SHOT Show 2023. Here’s their day two report.

Day 3 Wrap-Up

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A look at the day’s most fascinating new products from Brent Wheat and Tom McHale.

Day 4 Wrap-Up

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The Gun Cranks wrap up the final day of SHOT 2023.