Search engines make it a priority to list new and relevant pages. Maintaining a blog is an easy way to make sure your website is being updated consistently. And, for every blog you add, it’s another potential page that can show up in Google’s search results. Just be sure you are creating valuable content with intent, not just writing blogs for the sake of checking a box.

The information customers are searching for can change over time, particularly since the firearms industry is known to ebb and flow with the election cycle and other current events. Check-in with your staff and customers regularly and update the content of your website continuously to ensure the information provided is relevant and timely.

Dealers should also look for ways to improve the user experience by making it easy to book a training class or lane on the range in advance. By adding an events calendar, detailed class descriptions and a “book now” feature to their website, GAT Marketing helps Ann Arbor Arms in Michigan host over 400 events each year.

Similar to blogs, maintaining an updated events calendar gives Google and other search engines a reason to regularly index your site, which can impact your rankings in search-engine results.