7 Ways Your Store Can Support 2A Efforts


Get sales associates involved in boosting awareness of your store’s 2A efforts — filling out
4473s provides a ready-made opportunity for these discussions. (Photo: Legit Outdoors)

We all know our Second Amendment freedoms are actively under attack. You’re seeing evidence of it in your shop right now as you’ve likely experienced record sales of firearms, ammunition and accessories over the past two years. We used to count on large organizations to protect our freedom. Today, the opposition is attacking from all sides, and we need to diversify our means of protecting our rights.

I visited with Lauren Hill, the director of corporate relations for the Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC), about legislative changes inhibiting our freedoms in America. The FPC is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit grassroots advocacy organization founded on a natural rights philosophy with a clear purpose, consistent values and mission to fight for the people, liberty and freedom.

Lauren and I discussed what more we can do, as an industry, to activate more people to fight for our freedoms. First, we considered the record number of new gun owners. Then we thought about how great your shops might be doing with this increase of business. 

“Gun stores have a responsibility to support our Second Amendment rights,” said Hill. “Whether it’s by supporting pro-2A organizations who are actively fighting bad legislation, or if it means directly working to protect their customers’ natural rights.”

In light of this suggestion, have you given thought to the various channels you have for taking action to protect Americans’ right to keep and bear arms?

Joining The Fight

My local gun shop is Goods for the Woods, in Durango, Colo. Owner Jane Gustafson stays on top of legislative issues that might infringe on our Constitutional rights. In her shop, she continually educates customers about would-be laws. She’s also taken it upon herself to become certified to carry petitions to collect signatures when need be. Gustafson works hard to fight for what she believes in.

She’s well aware: When new or longtime gun owners stop by, it’s your chance to plant a seed and make a difference that will help preserve the Second Amendment. Here are seven ways to elevate your involvement in this fight.

1. Posters & Pamphlets

One of the easiest, non-costly actions your shop can take is educating your patrons. Reach out to organizations that support the Second Amendment. Many of these groups will send you free materials to promote firearm safety rules, advice regarding proper ammunition and tips for sharing the shooting sports with others. You can hang materials on the walls in your store or pass out educational pamphlets.

2. Classroom Space

In addition to educational media, you may want to create a space for hosting classes. Don’t worry if you don’t have a gun range; not all courses need to be live-fire. If you have a lunchroom or conference room space, consider hosting safety classes, gun-cleaning classes, game-calling seminars and hunter education classes.
Classes or seminars held at your establishment will encourage various people to come through the door, leading to an opportunity to grow your customer base. It also allows you to interact with and educate more individuals about how they can protect our rights.

3. Create A Library 

As a business owner, you’re always looking for add-on sales, and a library will generate additional funds. We’re not thinking about checking books out and charging late fees here. Instead, make room in your store for educational books to sell; think about the history of the U.S., history of guns, reloading, sighting in, long-range shooting, hunting and other topics you know will appeal to your customer base.

4. Know 2A Talking Points

Pay attention to hot topics in the gun industry. Bring your workforce up to speed and teach them how to discuss key 2A talking points. 

Firearms-related topics may include: how to converse with non-gun owners about firearms; how to tell your firearm-related stories; how one gun owner should support others (think of how a young 3-Gun competitor might speak about a young hunter or vice versa); how to discuss legislative attacks (organizations like the DC Project have “Effective Messaging” flyers you can download and print to study with your staff. Visit DCProject.info to learn more).

5. Track Legislation

You can sign up for legislative alerts or follow groups such as Gun Owners of America, the Freedom Foundation and the Firearms Policy Coalition. These organizations send alerts when there are national or state-level hot firearm issues.

“Gun stores should care about bills and what politicians are sliding into new bills,” Hill noted.

In Colorado, for example, we’ve had many anti-gun bills passed the last few years. One such measure dictates gun stores have to provide locks with all firearm sales. It may not seem like a big deal because most manufacturers already include locks with their firearms, but what other laws are you unaware of in your state?

6. Become Trained In Circulating Petitions

In your store, you see many people with common interests. Let your patrons know you have a petition for an initiative that will protect their freedoms, and they’ll be sure to sign. Additionally, those backers who have an interest in the issue you’re carrying will become advocates — spreading the word to their friends they need to go to your establishment and sign as well.

7. Support Second Amendment Organizations

The strength of the gun-owning community has taken a huge hit with the public disappointment of the NRA, and because of it, new 2A organizations have been established. (A few organizations actively fighting for American freedoms have been mentioned here, but we’ll leave it up to you to research who you should support.)

By joining a 2A-supporting organization, you help strengthen their voice; there’s strength in numbers. You can also support these nonprofits by signing their petitions, completing their letters to legislators and making monetary donations.

As a retailer, once you find the freedom-fighting group that fits your beliefs, you can post and share their information on your counter, in your classroom, in newsletters, in social media posts and at your range. Sharing the news will again grow the numbers and make the gun-owner community stronger.

Each step you take to educate others will build value and trust for your customers. They’ll look up to you as a pillar in the industry, one who works actively to not only make money but to protect the freedom about which you both care.

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